
1- Does a rhinoplasty surgery hurt?
Due to anaesthesia you will not feel any pain during surgery. Pain killer will be prescribed and should be taken for few days. The most common
complain is difficulty in breathing at first night. Patient will breath better once silicons (inside nose) get removed. Post-surgery, patients do not have any problem until they come to their first control.

2- Are there any complications or risks associated with the rhinoplasty surgery?
Every surgery has its own risk and complications. Doctors job is to foresee and inform you about them. Usually, I inform my patients about the
possibility of infection and bleeding. Although it is rare to see bleeding in post operation, it is my duty to inform them about this possibility. These
complications, if occur, only after few hours post surgery. Patient should not be scared and should inform doctor as soon as possible.

3- Is it ok to ask my doctor if I could talk to rhinoplasty patients who went under surgery before?
We support patients to contact other patients who had similar operations done before. We understand our patients desire to get more informed.

4- Does insurance cover the cost of rhinoplasty surgery?
In some cases, partial payment is done by the health insurance companies. Crooked nose, deviated nasal pole, nasal valve operations (if breathing is fixed as part of reconstruction) are covered by insurance companies at some extent. Sole aesthetic surgeries are not covered by insurance and should be paid by patient. The payment details and total cost should be given during examination.

5- Can I get my breathing problem corrected at the same time?
Yes, this is a very common procedure. We correct breathing problems at the sometime as we perform rhinoplasty surgery. Aesthetic part will not be covered by your insurance company. They only cover operations done to fix nasal breathing problem . You should consult with your insurance company prior your surgery.

6- What are the conditions that prevent healing in post-surgery?
It is very rare but sometimes inside nose structure cause a problem. For instance, Wegner Granulomatosis (WG) syndrome affects the cartilage
therefore patient with such syndrome should not get a surgery. Other than this, very rare conditions prevent proper healing.

7- How long should I wait after pre-surgery examination?
Depends on each patient. Generally, our patients schedule their surgery appointment 1-to-4 months after their first consultation. Out-of-town patients
arrange their operation with less time spend in between. However, some patients are uncertain so they often schedule their appointment to 1 year later.

8- Open or closed surgery techniques?
There are two techniques used in rhinoplasty surgery. In open surgery, nasal cartilage and bone structure can be formed in detail. Especially, those who
have problems on tip of their nose should get an open surgery. Closed technique is preferred because there is no visible incision. All incision are
hidden inside the nose. Closed technique is more preferred as long as patient does not have any complicated nose deviation. Nowadays, doctors have
different opinions between these two techniques however I tend to follow my patients’ needs and decide on the appropriate technique accordingly.

9- Will there be any permanent scar after the surgery?
Every incision leaves a scar on skin. When we say ‘scar’, many people think of huge, ugly stitches. However, it is difficult to spot scars after rhinoplasty
surgery as surgeon performs with limited & controlled incision and stitches. Open technique leaves a minimal scar below the nose tip. Endonasal/
Closed technique does not show any scar since all incisions are made inside the nose. We inform our patients if they need to get an open technique
rhinoplasty surgery.

10- Are there any alternatives to rhinoplasty surgery?
Limited but there are few alternatives to rhinoplasty surgery.

11- Is it true that you get runny nose after the surgery?
No. It may happen1-to-2 weeks post surgery yet we haven’t had a patient complain about such thing.

12- Does smoking affect the post surgery recovery period?
Smoking negative impact after all type of surgeries. Nasal skin shows the result therefore smoking cigarette post surgery has a negative impact on the
recovery process. We inform patients stop smoking at every opportunity.

13-Is it true that homeopathic remedies lower swelling and bruising?
No scientific work proves the treatment of homeopathic remedies however we support our patients if they like to use them. Some patients claimed they
benefited from it. Choosing a right, talented surgeon who would perform a gentle operation will minimise your chances of swelling and bruising.

14- What kind of graft is used to reshape the nose?
Patients’ own tissue is our way of using the graft. Nasal septum is very convenient to be used when a septal cartilage is in need. In some cases, we need more graft and that’s when we use a rib cartilage.

15- Will I be sleeping during the surgery?
Yes. General anaesthesia is used and in often surgery takes 2-3 hours.

16- Can I have a breakfast in the morning before the surgery? After surgery, how long should I wait before eating?
Similar to any other surgeries, you should not eat or drink (not even water) the night before and midnight before the rhinoplasty surgery. You need to have an empty stomach to avoid any complications. An hour after you wake up from operation, you can start having small amount of food and drink water.

17- Can I go home after the operation?
Yes. You can go home if you have a companion to assist you after supervised for 1 hour at the hospital. However, we recommend our patients to stay overnight, supervised at the hospital with someone close staying with them.

18- Can I drive back home after the surgery?
No. General anaesthesia is given to the patient therefore no driving for 24 hours after the surgery.

19- At home, Will I need someone to take care of me?
Not really. We recommend someone close (relative, sibling) to stay overnight at the hospital with you in case you need to dial doctor. For instance, if patient gets nausea, someone else needs to pick up the phone and call the doctor.

20 – When will I get the stitches removed?
Depending on operation technique, if there are any then 1 week later. Stitches inside the nose does not need to be removed, they dissolve over time.

21- Is it possible to give a allergic reaction to these stitches?
Possible yet not very likely. Very common to see mild itching. In case of allergic reaction, then stitches get removed.

22- Do you prescribe cortisone to improve the healing?
Not very common. Patients with extremely thick skin and swallowed face get to put a very small amount of cortisone on tip of their nose.

23- How many control visits needed after the surgery?
I usually ask patients to come on the 3rd and 7th day after the surgery to clean the dressing. Later on, I recommend control visits in every two months for the next six months period and afterwards an annual and two year control visits.

24 – When will I get my splint removed?
Light metal splint will be removed in 1 week post operation

25 – When will I start breathing better?
Thin silicons that we put inside the nose should help your breathing. Do not blow your nose for the next few weeks after the surgery. Gentle blowing and cleaning with salty water should be done 1 week after the surgery. Cleaning off the crust in the next days will help you breath better.

26 – Can I wear glass/sunglass after the surgery?
Yes, but it should NOT put a pressure on your nose. Some patients stabilise and stick their glasses to their forehead with a tape. Doctor &/or his assistant can show you how it is done.

27- When can I start exercising?
You can start steady pace power walking few days after the surgery. Stay away from heavy lifting and heavy cardio activities for 1 month post surgery.
At the end of one month period, you can resume all your sport activities. Please note that, any injury or ball hitting can break your nose.
You need to think well before joining in these type of sport activities.

28- Will nose continue to grow after rhinoplasty surgery?
No, not in adults. However, if patient is a young adolescent then it may continue growing. Therefore, we recommend female patients to be at least 16 years old and male patients to be at least 17-18 years old.

29- Is it true that 1 year must pass before seeing the actual result?
Yes. Most of the swelling will disappear in the first month yet it continues through 1 year recover period. It is impossible to change this. This is a very normal process. The major changes (80% of it) occur in the first 3 months period and then in 6 months post operation this ratio will go up to 90%. It will take a year before the ratio reaches to 100%. Patients will be scheduled for control visits according to this timeline.