Everyone wants to have a fast recovery. Rhinoplasty patient’s nose stay sensitive for 6 months post op therefore we expect patients to follow doctor’s aftercare instructions. Following these instructions right can speed up your recovery period without any problems


Our suggestions are:
Apply cold compress non-stop for the first day ease the process and it will comfort you.
In case of pain, call your doctor and take prescribed pain killers accordingly.
Keep you head elevated while sitting or laying down. Try using pillows to get some support.
Nose will be sensitive therefore swimming and diving ( scuba diving) will harm you and extend the duration of recovery. Sea (salty water) and chlorine
(swimming pool) may burn your nose and will give you some pain. You must wait 1-2 months before swimming.
Do not blow your nose harshly for at least 2 weeks after the surgery


Try to eat soft, easy to chew food.
Try not to smile, yawn. No yawn, no mimic to limit movements.
Tooth brushing which moves your upper lip should be done gently and slowly. Movement on upper lip may cause some pain.
Avoid clothes that pull over your head and instead wear front closing clothes.
Do not wear sunglasses that put pressure on your nose for at least two months. Try using contact lenses instead.
Protect your nose from the sun for at least three months by using sunscreen, hat whenever outdoors.

Recovery period is uniqe for each patient therefore patience is required. You will be motivated and happy by knowing that you would be getting a better
nose 🙂